Gina : “Hi Sue, John and Marie are now divorced.”
Susan : “ They don’t have any kids, do they?”
Gina : “No, they don’t. I guess it’s a good thing for Marie. She has been experiencing domestic violence for too long. You know how John often beat her over trivial matters.”
Susan : “Not only John likes to beat, he is also rude with his words. Marie knew it all along and yet she married him. I remember that two years ago we did tell her to think it over very seriously before making a commitment to marry him. She was so convinced that she could change him into a better man. Anyway I am glad that it’s now over for her. Hope she will put this bad episode of her life behind fast, and get a really good man in the future.”
Gina : “That’s right. She said that she remembered our suggestion when she called to tell me about her divorce. She complained to me. She said that God knows what’s good and what’s bad for us and God wants us to be good. She then asked why God let her make the bad decision and marry John. She said that God should have stopped her somehow.”
Susan : “She asked that? What did you say?”
Gina : “I told her that God did warn her about the bad decision through us, her friends and her mother. Her mother also gave her similar advice. I told her that God gives everybody the freedom to choose. She too had that freedom and she had chosen not to listen. God loves and cares about everybody and that includes her. God let her go through the consequences of her bad decision because that was the only way she would ever learn.”
Susan : “Beautiful explanation, Gina. How did she take it?”
Gina : “There was a long pause, then she thanked me. So I guess that she realized her mistake about God. I just called to let you know about it. It’s bedtime now. Good night, Sue.”
Susan : “Thanks for telling me, Gina. Sweet dreams.”
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