Bob : “Bill, I don’t feel like working anymore. I have been having fun and enjoying myself.”
Bill : “Since when was that?”
Bob : “Since the beginning of this week, and I feel really good.”
Bill : “You stop working and you feel good. You are a cheerful guy indeed.”
Bob : “Of course, you should try it too.”
Bill : “Try to be out of work and have no income? No thanks.”
Bob : “I am not out of work, buddy. I wouldn’t ask you to try that.”
Bill : “You still keep your job? That’s good. So what have you been talking about?”
Bob : “I change my mindset. Every time I go to work, I tell myself I am having fun.”
Bill (laugh) : “Now I see. Does it really work?”
Bob : “It does. You have to do it everyday though.”
Bill : “Interesting. I’ll try that starting tomorrow.”
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