Mouth Power

It was raining pretty hard that evening. Greg, his wife Jane, his son Bob and his daughter Bella were having dinner.

Greg : “There are two people, Mr. Bad and Mr. Good. Mr. Bad likes to complain about things and talk bad things about others. When other people are talking, he often interrupts and gives bad comments. When he talks, he always talks about the bad side of things. Mr. Good is a grateful kind of guy. He never complains and talks bad things about others. When other people are talking, he listens and does not interrupt or give bad comments. When he talks, he always talks about the good side of things. Who would you like to be friend with?”

Jane (laugh) : “Aren’t you asking the obvious, dear?”

Bob (laugh) : “The name says it all. Nobody would like to have Mr. Bad as a friend, daddy.”

Bella (smile) : “I would certainly go for Mr. Good.”

Greg (smile) : “Everybody has a mouth. What comes out of our mouth has power. I call it mouth power. Use it well and we will become Mr. Good. Use it unwisely and we will become Mr. Bad.”

Jane, Bob and Bella smiled.

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